Transfering Hog2pc Files to Hog1000

I have access to a Hog1000. I use the Hog2PC to create shows which I later which to upload to a Hog1000. I attempted to do so last night, but I received an error message.

Unfortunately, I did not note the exact error message or the version of the Hog1000 OS I was running. But in either case, the Hog1000 recognized the disk but refused to load the show files from the Hog2PC. Are the two compatible? If they are, am I missing a step to make this happen?

  • I seem to remember that this problem lies in the name of the disk, the Jands Hogs require a specific disk name.

    To figure it out, start a show on a Hog 500 or 1000, save to a floppy. Load the floppy in your computer. Right click on the disk in My Computer and look at the properties name, usually 'A' -something?

    Now when you create a show on Hog PC, save it onto a floppy. right click the disk, look at properties and change the name to what it's supposed to be. The Hog 500 or 1K should now be able to read it.

    Sorry, I don't have a floppy disk drive or Hog 1K in front of me, or I'd give you the correct naming. I have gotten it to work this way, though.
  • I seem to remember that this problem lies in the name of the disk, the Jands Hogs require a specific disk name.

    To figure it out, start a show on a Hog 500 or 1000, save to a floppy. Load the floppy in your computer. Right click on the disk in My Computer and look at the properties name, usually 'A' -something?

    Now when you create a show on Hog PC, save it onto a floppy. right click the disk, look at properties and change the name to what it's supposed to be. The Hog 500 or 1K should now be able to read it.

    Sorry, I don't have a floppy disk drive or Hog 1K in front of me, or I'd give you the correct naming. I have gotten it to work this way, though.
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