Trouble with mainLCD on HOG 1000 and more

I bought a new Hog 1000 from United Kingdom from used lighting equipment in October 2008. That's why i haven't warranty for console now. Till this moment console worked within standards, if it is within standards minimal one clean start per show usually during some good song of some band because mix is ,,death'':aargh4:, if it is within standards bad communication with mouse and little bit black right side of main LCD.:dunno:
Last weekend after start of console main LCD two times went out and return back. I patched new show for next day. It was for last time when i saw LCD with good brightness on my hog. It was possible to see something only from angle with face on faders during first ten minutes after switch-on next day on show :684:. From this moment is display death. I see the backlights, but it is all.
This is big trouble for me in main season, because without LCD i can't patch new show and customesing panel and faders. Here in Czech Republic is only one Hog 1000 , this one, and only one authorised servise for Hogs generally and main (only) servisman has two weeks holiday at present.
I would like to know, before he returns from holiday, if exists some possibility to get from somewhere new LCD at present. Does somebody know some manufacturer of this display or the same type? But maybe is trouble with power supply of LCD. I don't know.
Thanks for some reaction. George:1zhelp:
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