Question About Controlling a WH II

I have a question and this is the best place to go for answers...I am wondering if there is a way or if anyone has trioed with success or faliure to control a Whole Hog II with a tablet PC essentially using A TABLET AS A RFU? Any information would be helpful...
  • This gives a pretty good overview of how to set it up:

    It's software that comes with Windows XP, I believe Vista and 7 as well.

    Basically you're setting up the computer running Hog2PC with a widget attached as the server and then using your tablet as the client that logs into it to control it. You wouldn't run Hog2PC on the tablet only on the server side.

    Hardware-wise, you'd need the server computer, either a laptop or a desktop, with a widget attached for DMX output. And then you'd have your tablet to use as the RFU.

    Let me know if this doesn't make sense.

  • This gives a pretty good overview of how to set it up:

    It's software that comes with Windows XP, I believe Vista and 7 as well.

    Basically you're setting up the computer running Hog2PC with a widget attached as the server and then using your tablet as the client that logs into it to control it. You wouldn't run Hog2PC on the tablet only on the server side.

    Hardware-wise, you'd need the server computer, either a laptop or a desktop, with a widget attached for DMX output. And then you'd have your tablet to use as the RFU.

    Let me know if this doesn't make sense.

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