LED par 64 library not responding to "at full"

I have a Color Key LED par 64 Library that is fully functional except for using "at full" (or at any %) I actually have to dial in the intensity.
Do I have something wrong with the Intensity parameter (ch 4)?

fixture = Ledpar64
manufacturer = 0
product = 7
name = Led par 64

output = dmx

parameter = Red
default = 0
highlight = 255
crossfade = 0
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 255, %

parameter = Green
default = 0
highlight = 255
crossfade = 0
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 255, %

parameter = Blue
default = 0
highlight = 255
crossfade = 0
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 255, %

parameter = Intensity
default = 0
highlight = 255
crossfade = 0
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 189, %
range = 191, 252, %
range = 254, 255, %
  • I loaded your library into a show and it seems to be working as expected.

    One thing, I see the Intensity channel broken into 3 ranges of values. It could be that value 255 is not actually Intensity at 100%, it may be a strobe function or something similar.

    Another thing, @Full is only bringning the Master Intensity channel to Full, it is not changing the RGB Channels values. You will have to adjust those separately.

    Try adjusting sone color with the RGB channels and then use the @FULL and @0 commands and see if it works better.
  • I loaded your library into a show and it seems to be working as expected.

    One thing, I see the Intensity channel broken into 3 ranges of values. It could be that value 255 is not actually Intensity at 100%, it may be a strobe function or something similar.

    Another thing, @Full is only bringning the Master Intensity channel to Full, it is not changing the RGB Channels values. You will have to adjust those separately.

    Try adjusting sone color with the RGB channels and then use the @FULL and @0 commands and see if it works better.
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