Hog 2 PC -> Load from Floppy, Save to HD

Hello All,
I'm sure I'm missing something silly here. My Hog2 PC has started freezing when I attempt to Load a show from my Wholehog II and then save to my laptop.

I'm running Hog2PC on XP Professional
I load from the A: Drive (USB floppy)
then "load show" in the hog window
Once the show is loaded I select "Change Folder"
Once I have selected a folder on my C: drive, Hog2PC no longer responds to any commands.

This has worked previously. Am I using improper folder names? Bad command order? :rtfm:?? The manual does say I can only swap from the A drive to the C drive once.....

My backiup is not making my life very easy.:angryfire:
