Ok I have been beating my head on this one for the last week and a haft. And need suggestions.
Hog1000 console. Controlling a 136 desk channels, 10 non-dims and 1 LED
1 Audio cd with SMPTE being converted via a PPS-2 to MIDI input in the console.
Event: Daily static show for ice carvings with lights hosted inside a freezer.
Actions: 24hr clock cueing Fader 16 which hosts all the macro commands. At..
07:00 Warm up cue begins. (1hr warm up time to gradually bring lights out of frozen to safe operating temp.)
08:00 Show mode. = Normal daily run of show. General lighting at certian levels and one room of the freezer has a small light show sync to the SMPTE
23:00 Cool Down = Lights slowly dim out to OFF over a 30 min period (to prevent rapid temp change on the lamps)
23:30 OFF = everything is off.
Issue: When fully plugged in and running for a reasonable amount of time, (aka rebooting the console around 19:00) When 23:00 comes, it Executes the 07:00 command (>C16:T1) instead of its >C16:T3 command. At 23:30 it executes the 08:00 command.
Yes I have verified the actual on board clock was correct time. I have bench tested with two exact consoles. with exact same show loaded. Only difference is the Primary is connected to the DMX and MIDI cables. where the secondary is by its self only connected to a separate but identical LED fixture. Yes I have swaped the consoles places (Primary is disconnected, and Secondary is connected to DMX and MIDI) Same Issue occurs no matter which console is connected. Attempt was made to turn of the SMPTE to MIDI box before the 23:00 command. But it ignored it.
I have also found that when I arrive in the morning to see it missed its cues. If I change the clock to say 22:59 to see if the 23:00 cue happens. Nothing happens. but if I reboot the console. I can change the time to 22:59 again and the 23:00 cue will execute.
Has anyone had this kind of problem before, or can lead me down a path that can help solve this?