Hog2 Fixture with inverted Intensity

I have got a Problem with my Hog2. This Console is new for me so i don't have that much experience with that.
We got a China Moving Head with an inverted Dimmer Channel (Intensity) and i can't get it to the Point, where my Grand Master works with that.
I always got the Dimmer open, when the Grand Master is down and the Dimmer is closed, when the Grand Master is open.

Does anyone know, what i have to Change in the Fixture Library to got the Fixture working?

If anyone want to see, the Fixture is here: dl.dropbox.com/u/13433263/003%20-%20Involight%20575MH.lib

It is an Involight 575MH

Thanks and sorry for my bad Englisch
Michael Möller
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