Hog 2PC on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Hey guys I am running in to a bit of an issue. I have been running Hog 2PC on an HP computer that is running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit for the past few months and decided it was time to start playing with Hog 3PC. I have had Hog 3PC loaded on this computer as well as Hog 2PC and it has all worked properly for over a year now. However when I opened up Hog 3PC and starting playing with it then went back to Hog 2PC it would not recognize the widget. I know there are certain versions of Hog 3PC that contain drivers for the widget that allow access to Hog 2PC and certain versions of Hog 3PC that won't work on Windows 64-bit. So I have tried downloading Hog 3PC version 3.2.0 and then 3.2.1 which appear to have a description saying they will work on the 64-bit software, and no disclaimer saying you lose compatibility with Hog 2PC, but I still can't get it to recognize the widget. Any ideas? I'm not familiar enough with Hog 3PC yet to want to roll it out, but I need some sort of lighting control for this weekend.
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