midi map help

i am giving the midi map a run and having trouble understanding the fader portion of mapping it. here is my map file can some one point me in the right direction of properly mapping faders

version = 40
; NB: MIDI Note & Controller numbers range from 1 to 128
group_menu = note:1
position_menu = note:2
colour_menu = note:3
beam_menu = note:4
macro_menu = note:5
page_menu = note:6
choose = note:7
go = note:8
halt = note:9
flash = note:10
fader = note:11
lh_tool = note:12
rh_tool = note:13
keypad = note:14
wheel = note:15
touchpanel = note:16
others = note:17
coord_x = controller:1
coord_y = controller:2
fader_val = controller:65
wheel_val = controller:66
ext_keys = note:18
func_keys = note:19
choose:9 = note:20
choose:10 = note:21
choose:11 = note:22
choose:12 = note 23
choose:13 = note:24
choose:14 = note:25
choose:15 = note:26
choose:16 = note 27
go:9 = note:28
go:10 = note:29
go:11 = note:30
go:12 = note:31
go:13 = note:32
go:14 = note:33
go:15 = note:34
go:16 = note:35
flash:9 = note:36
flash:10 = note:36
flash:11 = note:37
flash:12 = note:38
flash:13 = note:39
flash:14 = note:40
flash:15 = note:41
flash:16 = note:42
fader:57 = controller:67
fader:58 = controller:68
fader:59 = controller:69
fader:60 = controller:70
fader:61 = controller:71
fader:62 = controller:72
fader:63 = controller:73
fader:64 = controller:74
  • Hi,
    I have the same problem.
    I tried all i've found on the net, without success.
    I've downloaded the pack made by Anders (he explains how to use a bcf2000 with a hog2) and tried to follow instructions, unsuccessfully.:blackeye:

    My aim is to use a bcR2000 as wing for the hog2. For the buttons, the "learn" method works, but for the faders, as all the faders are on the same note, the "learn" method on the bcR gives poor results: when I move a fader on the HOG2, all fader encoders are moving together on the BCR.

    first a "controller:65" value, that is the posistion(0-127) of the fader, and then send a noteon:15 with intensity 1, to deside which fader the previous controller:65 value should operate.. sending a noteon:15 with intensity 2 would move fader:2.

    But in the Behringer software, I don't see how to add this "intensity" value ???

    So, if someone has found how to solve this, any help would be highly appreciated.