How to create a stable profile for HOG 500

Hey everyone, so I have created a hog 500 profile for the Chuavet Color strip.

It is an RGB 4 channel LED bar. However i'm having some issues with how Chuavet configured the light as far as channels.

This light does NOT have a "dimmer" channel. It only has a RGB color mixing mode that allows the user to control each channel individually, but how you do this is to bring up channel 1, to DMX value like 85%. It also has a bunch of chases that I tried to program in as Macros, but I could not get it to work (inside the profile I made), this is the first profile I have ever written myself and I atleast have 80% functionality.

fixture = CoStrip
manufacturer = 99
product = 99
name = Color Strip
yoke = no

output = dmx

parameter = Colors
kind = c
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Red
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Green
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Blue
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
type = htp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Macro
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 1
type = lhtp8bit
range = 80, 89, ColorChange1, noauto
range = 90, 99, ColorChange2, noauto
range = 100, 109, ColorChange3, noauto
range = 110, 119, ColorChange4, noauto
range = 120, 129, ColorChange5, noauto
range = 130, 139, ColorChange6, noauto
range = 140, 149, Chase1, noauto
range = 150, 159, Chase2, noauto
range = 160, 169, Chase3, noauto
range = 170, 179, Chase4, noauto
range = 180, 189, Chase5, noauto
range = 190, 199, Chase6, noauto
range = 200, 209, Chase7, noauto
range = 210, 219, RGBMix, noauto
range = 220, 229, ColorFade, noauto Here is the DMX channels and values

  • That first channel, the one I named "Color", that is the 1st channel that controls EVERY aspect of the light the other 3 channels only do things to interact with the first channels DMX value percentage. So when I put start affecting channel 1, in my "Color" tab on my 500, it flashes through a bunch of color presets, which is normal for this fixture, you can just select a color and you can record and snap through colors (which I didnt want to use because it looks cheesy), But if you keep scrolling past the presets around DMX value 210-219 it allows you to color mix that also allows you to DIM and black them out.... This is what I wanted to use the most of all but whenever I set the first channel to 85% (inside the hog) this allows me to color mix on them and it is smooth. But once I record the effect and create a cuelist, it records the effect but when I click the flash button or set up the fader in any configuration, it flashes through all 210 values until it gets to the color mixing values. so what that looks like like on a 2 second fade in is a bunch of flashing colors (through the early values of color presets and the chases) then it finally makes it to the correct value....

  • That first channel, the one I named "Color", that is the 1st channel that controls EVERY aspect of the light the other 3 channels only do things to interact with the first channels DMX value percentage. So when I put start affecting channel 1, in my "Color" tab on my 500, it flashes through a bunch of color presets, which is normal for this fixture, you can just select a color and you can record and snap through colors (which I didnt want to use because it looks cheesy), But if you keep scrolling past the presets around DMX value 210-219 it allows you to color mix that also allows you to DIM and black them out.... This is what I wanted to use the most of all but whenever I set the first channel to 85% (inside the hog) this allows me to color mix on them and it is smooth. But once I record the effect and create a cuelist, it records the effect but when I click the flash button or set up the fader in any configuration, it flashes through all 210 values until it gets to the color mixing values. so what that looks like like on a 2 second fade in is a bunch of flashing colors (through the early values of color presets and the chases) then it finally makes it to the correct value....

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