playback wing with faderless masters??

This has probably been thought about but it would be really nice to see a playback wing that could mabey have 20 or 30 faderless masters on it and well were here mabey the elusive Grand master encoder everyone wants

just a thought

  • Have you seen the expansion wing that we were showing off at LDI?

    It is 20 masters with faders and 20 masters without. All 40 masters have flash keys in addition to play, pause, and choose. There is a set of main playback controls in the center that mimics those on the console. There is also an enable key that will allow you to disable the main playback controls and the playback choose keys so that you don't interfere with someone running cuelists on the console.

    The expansion wing was first previewed at PLASA in 2004 and you can see a picture of the prototype that was shown in this news article on the High End Systems web site:

    The expansion wing is still in development, but we are working hard to get it released for sale.
  • Have you seen the expansion wing that we were showing off at LDI?

    It is 20 masters with faders and 20 masters without. All 40 masters have flash keys in addition to play, pause, and choose. There is a set of main playback controls in the center that mimics those on the console. There is also an enable key that will allow you to disable the main playback controls and the playback choose keys so that you don't interfere with someone running cuelists on the console.

    The expansion wing was first previewed at PLASA in 2004 and you can see a picture of the prototype that was shown in this news article on the High End Systems web site:

    The expansion wing is still in development, but we are working hard to get it released for sale.
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