DP boot up

I'm still having days where the DP does not load show data upon console boot up. It just continues to read "Intializing..." but never gets to loading show. I wait about 4 or 5 minutes and then just restart the console. This is not every day, and it's not with every show file I create, but I'd say it's happened two or three times since buld 956 came out.

Wholehog 3 v1.3.8.6 (b956)
(2) DP2000s in network hub (only #1 has any patching right now)
  • I've had some similar problems with DPs not loading properly. Surprisingly I've found it has more to do with the show file than the actual DP.

    Show files that have an older library or custom library modification sometimes cause a perpetual "Loading Show Data" state. Also importing user preferences from a new library show file to an older library show file can cause the DP to "lock-up" like that (especially if the wheelsets have been customised) in addition to crashes when attempting to edit user preferences. Sometimes cloning or removing fixtures from the PATCH also cause the DP to lock-up.

    I've never had a issue with the latest software along with the latest library though.
  • I've had some similar problems with DPs not loading properly. Surprisingly I've found it has more to do with the show file than the actual DP.

    Show files that have an older library or custom library modification sometimes cause a perpetual "Loading Show Data" state. Also importing user preferences from a new library show file to an older library show file can cause the DP to "lock-up" like that (especially if the wheelsets have been customised) in addition to crashes when attempting to edit user preferences. Sometimes cloning or removing fixtures from the PATCH also cause the DP to lock-up.

    I've never had a issue with the latest software along with the latest library though.
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