Library Requests

Please would anybody making a request for a fixture library include either a PDF of the DMX specs and or a link to the maunfacturers website. This will help us an awful lot.


  • Just to add a little to this...

    Whenever we receive a library request we try to locate the latest DMX protocol listing from the manufacturers website or their support contacts, this in many cases is easier said than done.

    Essentially, any additional information you can provide is great appreciated.

    The library model is quite powerful, but with the power comes complexity we really do need as much information as possible. The resulting library will only ever be as accurate as the information presented.


  • Just to add a little to this...

    Whenever we receive a library request we try to locate the latest DMX protocol listing from the manufacturers website or their support contacts, this in many cases is easier said than done.

    Essentially, any additional information you can provide is great appreciated.

    The library model is quite powerful, but with the power comes complexity we really do need as much information as possible. The resulting library will only ever be as accurate as the information presented.


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