next touch release option

on scenes or cues panel, if you touch a cell it do o go, should it be possible to have an option to release it on second touch?
  • Yeah...altering Scene times isn't very useful in a fast-on-the-fly situation. Only if you have enough warning/time to make all the keystrokes before triggereing the Scene. Then you better remember what you set it to!:rolleyes:

    I just wanted to make sure folks knew that there is a way to edit scene times apart from cell editing in speadsheet view.:)

    But, SCENE + RELEASE only takes two fingers....not two hands. The buttons are practically next to one another. You can even use your pinky and ring finger on one hand. Your other hand can be on the faders.:friday:
  • Yeah...altering Scene times isn't very useful in a fast-on-the-fly situation. Only if you have enough warning/time to make all the keystrokes before triggereing the Scene. Then you better remember what you set it to!:rolleyes:

    I just wanted to make sure folks knew that there is a way to edit scene times apart from cell editing in speadsheet view.:)

    But, SCENE + RELEASE only takes two fingers....not two hands. The buttons are practically next to one another. You can even use your pinky and ring finger on one hand. Your other hand can be on the faders.:friday:
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