next touch release option

on scenes or cues panel, if you touch a cell it do o go, should it be possible to have an option to release it on second touch?
  • Of course the option for second touch release :)

    Maybe I should also explain the picture a bit...

    Every Scene could have a time display for their individual timing...though I don't know what it should show if there's complex timing...
    Scene directory could have a dockable time bar which uses user defined times (How about Scene Time 5 creates a 5 second user def timing button). It overrides Scene times.
  • Of course the option for second touch release :)

    Maybe I should also explain the picture a bit...

    Every Scene could have a time display for their individual timing...though I don't know what it should show if there's complex timing...
    Scene directory could have a dockable time bar which uses user defined times (How about Scene Time 5 creates a 5 second user def timing button). It overrides Scene times.
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