USB Pen Drives

So now that we have the PC version to play with, it would make it alot easier to pass the show back and forth between the console and the PC if this was made as an available option. Any word on when we may see something?
  • Chris,

    We haven't implemented support for USB mass storage devices on the console because of the limitations imposed by the version of the linux kernel that we are running. We currently have a developer who is dedicated to working on upgrading to a version that would allow us to implement this support. I can't tell you when it will happen, as it affects things console-wide and requires lots of development and test, but I can tell you that we are actively pursuing it.
  • Chris,

    We haven't implemented support for USB mass storage devices on the console because of the limitations imposed by the version of the linux kernel that we are running. We currently have a developer who is dedicated to working on upgrading to a version that would allow us to implement this support. I can't tell you when it will happen, as it affects things console-wide and requires lots of development and test, but I can tell you that we are actively pursuing it.
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