I used to be able to change what the default colors in the color wheel and gobos in the gobo wheels were in the edit fixture window in patch per fixture, so that they would appear correctly in auto palettes or on the color/gobo buttons while programming. Especially helpful, when there is three gobo wheels, and the default on each gobo wheel is gobo1- gobo6. Now I have to go back and figure it out in the pallettes and remember what is what for the short keys. Did this change between versions or is it located somewhere else?
You can change the names of gobos within the Edit Fixtures window. Setup->Patch->Edit Fixtures. Look at section 14.3.2 of the user manual and the sub heading "naming slots" for full details.
This will allow you to select from a list of known slot (color and gobo) names. You are not able to enter your own names at this time, but you can select any from this list. Due to the generic library model, all slot names must come from within this predefined list.
You can change the names of gobos within the Edit Fixtures window. Setup->Patch->Edit Fixtures. Look at section 14.3.2 of the user manual and the sub heading "naming slots" for full details.
This will allow you to select from a list of known slot (color and gobo) names. You are not able to enter your own names at this time, but you can select any from this list. Due to the generic library model, all slot names must come from within this predefined list.