Faster! Faster!

To the powers that be...
I'd like to put in a request for a faster video card on the HogIII. The views are limited in functionality for me because I have to decide if it's worth the lag in time to wait for all the screens to change after selecting a new view or figure something else out (scroll down, close a window, etc.)
  • Kerry,

    Yes. To upgrade our video hardware in the Wholehog 3 console, we would need a new motherboard. Remember that the first Wholehog 3s were sold in 2001 and the hardware design was probably being worked on for a couple of years before that. Current technology for embedded solutions in the late 1990's was significantly different than what we have available today.

    Luckily, as I mentioned above, we don't see any evidence that the video chips are a performance bottleneck for us.
  • Kerry,

    Yes. To upgrade our video hardware in the Wholehog 3 console, we would need a new motherboard. Remember that the first Wholehog 3s were sold in 2001 and the hardware design was probably being worked on for a couple of years before that. Current technology for embedded solutions in the late 1990's was significantly different than what we have available today.

    Luckily, as I mentioned above, we don't see any evidence that the video chips are a performance bottleneck for us.
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