Add Matrix Editor


in a world of steadily increasing lighting set ups, especially in the led section, there is a strong need to matrix control. today a fixture often is nothing more but a pixel!

is there any development going on?


    1) create table
    2) create patch
    a) no auto, select fixture + touch a cell, the fixture is affected to cell
    b) Auto, select group + touch first cell affect fixture one by one in cells.
    if Column is not selected pacth is left to right
    if Culumn is selected patch is up to down
    if 2 ways is selected first line is left to right second is right to left....

    Matrix for text and picture
    select dimmer or/and color
    select a picture or insert test, size is by cell, 1= 1cell
    choose effects ....
    start, first step of effect, right, left, top, down, if symetrical is on, right and down start effect from center.
    direction is way of effect right to left, left to right, both right (right to left and left to right), both left
    symetrical, fixture 3 will do the same than fixture 1 (horizontal effect).

    here it should be:
    Red picture, and 1+3 red, 2 red, 4+5 red, 6+8 red, 7red, 9+10 red

    Matrix for all features
    Start palette is start volue of effect, End palette is end value of effect, or use middle palette and size

    Line Start is Off if all fixtures are doing the samething at same time, Exterior/interioris isthe direction exterior is exterior to center interior is opposite

    Line Offset Is offset on lines

    Mirror is option for pan and tilt, to have opposite moving effect.
    Symmetrical is option to have same effect on opposite fixtures, if Symmetrical and mirror are selected fixture 1 and 3 do the same effect but with opposite Pan/Tilt

    That's just first ideas.

    Edit: Repeats and buddying could be used to have simple 1 on two ..........
    1) create table
    2) create patch
    a) no auto, select fixture + touch a cell, the fixture is affected to cell
    b) Auto, select group + touch first cell affect fixture one by one in cells.
    if Column is not selected pacth is left to right
    if Culumn is selected patch is up to down
    if 2 ways is selected first line is left to right second is right to left....

    Matrix for text and picture
    select dimmer or/and color
    select a picture or insert test, size is by cell, 1= 1cell
    choose effects ....
    start, first step of effect, right, left, top, down, if symetrical is on, right and down start effect from center.
    direction is way of effect right to left, left to right, both right (right to left and left to right), both left
    symetrical, fixture 3 will do the same than fixture 1 (horizontal effect).

    here it should be:
    Red picture, and 1+3 red, 2 red, 4+5 red, 6+8 red, 7red, 9+10 red

    Matrix for all features
    Start palette is start volue of effect, End palette is end value of effect, or use middle palette and size

    Line Start is Off if all fixtures are doing the samething at same time, Exterior/interioris isthe direction exterior is exterior to center interior is opposite

    Line Offset Is offset on lines

    Mirror is option for pan and tilt, to have opposite moving effect.
    Symmetrical is option to have same effect on opposite fixtures, if Symmetrical and mirror are selected fixture 1 and 3 do the same effect but with opposite Pan/Tilt

    That's just first ideas.

    Edit: Repeats and buddying could be used to have simple 1 on two ..........
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