Add Matrix Editor


in a world of steadily increasing lighting set ups, especially in the led section, there is a strong need to matrix control. today a fixture often is nothing more but a pixel!

is there any development going on?


  • I´m working for a bigger company since 4.5 years now!

    Our product of choice was the Hog III and iPC family.

    But at the moment we are not sure anymore if this was the right choice.

    There is absolutly a need for a matrix control !!!:welcome:

    Last week I had a background with 35 times Martin Stagecyclo arrange in a little matrix.

    The customer came up and asked me if I can run the shortname from the company over it.
    He said is would be nice to have the letters running from left to right and flying them in!

    In the end it was only the 3 letters popping in one after the other because I didn´t had the time anymore to programm that!

    There was to much other things to do! You know programm time is getting shorter and shorter.
    I only had one night for programming 4 Live acts two lounges and a rigg with over 50 moving Lights.

    And by the way... No I won´t buy a Catalyst!!!!:mad:

    It must be possible to do things like that easily with such a powerful tool like the HOG III system....!!! :angryfire:

    ...and as soon as possible.

    Why should I programm 2 desks or a desk and a software if I can do everything from one desk!!!
    I agree if I wanne do complex things or have 1000 or more nodes in a matrix then for sure I need something special if I also wanne do video clips or Live camera

    But for 35 Fixtures and a few letters???:confused:

    To name it... with a Mrand GA or a C-Eue for example I could control my normal Lightrigg and also do such small gimmicks in a few minutes.:17:

    So please guys do something as quick as you can. :aargh4:

    Another example : on a huge production 2 month ago we had over hundred Moving Lights and lot´s of Dimmer channels but also we had a Matrix with 66 ELP 60 Powersticks...
    The whole rigg was controlled with a HOG iPC except for the Matrix - That was controlled with a Mrand GA Full Size.....

    Is that really what you guys from Flying Pig want???

    Thanks for listening!!!
  • I´m working for a bigger company since 4.5 years now!

    Our product of choice was the Hog III and iPC family.

    But at the moment we are not sure anymore if this was the right choice.

    There is absolutly a need for a matrix control !!!:welcome:

    Last week I had a background with 35 times Martin Stagecyclo arrange in a little matrix.

    The customer came up and asked me if I can run the shortname from the company over it.
    He said is would be nice to have the letters running from left to right and flying them in!

    In the end it was only the 3 letters popping in one after the other because I didn´t had the time anymore to programm that!

    There was to much other things to do! You know programm time is getting shorter and shorter.
    I only had one night for programming 4 Live acts two lounges and a rigg with over 50 moving Lights.

    And by the way... No I won´t buy a Catalyst!!!!:mad:

    It must be possible to do things like that easily with such a powerful tool like the HOG III system....!!! :angryfire:

    ...and as soon as possible.

    Why should I programm 2 desks or a desk and a software if I can do everything from one desk!!!
    I agree if I wanne do complex things or have 1000 or more nodes in a matrix then for sure I need something special if I also wanne do video clips or Live camera

    But for 35 Fixtures and a few letters???:confused:

    To name it... with a Mrand GA or a C-Eue for example I could control my normal Lightrigg and also do such small gimmicks in a few minutes.:17:

    So please guys do something as quick as you can. :aargh4:

    Another example : on a huge production 2 month ago we had over hundred Moving Lights and lot´s of Dimmer channels but also we had a Matrix with 66 ELP 60 Powersticks...
    The whole rigg was controlled with a HOG iPC except for the Matrix - That was controlled with a Mrand GA Full Size.....

    Is that really what you guys from Flying Pig want???

    Thanks for listening!!!
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