Full BackUp


when we see a full tracked backup solution ala GrandMa with the Hog III ??
This Year ??

  • Denis,

    We have discussed the need for implementing functionality that would allow a seamless switch to backup hardware with no interruption to a running show if a hardware problem or software crash were to occur.

    We are still discussing the details of this implementation, so I can't estimate a timeline for when it will happen.

    The two obvious considerations are:

    1) How do we handle a console failure?
    2) How do we handle a node failure (DP2000 or IOP)?

    My answers would be:

    1) Run a server on the backup console that only listens for changes and keeps a current copy of the show file. If the primary console fails, allow this server to begin communicating with nodes.

    2) Allow a node to run in "backup mode", whereby it has the same net number as an active node and begin processing DMX and providing feedback if the primary active node with that net number goes offline.

    These are both high-level answers. There are a lot of details that need to be taken into consideration for this to work properly.

    How would you like this functionality to work? I can make sure you're opinion gets logged so that we can implement something that functions as our users would want it to.

  • Denis,

    We have discussed the need for implementing functionality that would allow a seamless switch to backup hardware with no interruption to a running show if a hardware problem or software crash were to occur.

    We are still discussing the details of this implementation, so I can't estimate a timeline for when it will happen.

    The two obvious considerations are:

    1) How do we handle a console failure?
    2) How do we handle a node failure (DP2000 or IOP)?

    My answers would be:

    1) Run a server on the backup console that only listens for changes and keeps a current copy of the show file. If the primary console fails, allow this server to begin communicating with nodes.

    2) Allow a node to run in "backup mode", whereby it has the same net number as an active node and begin processing DMX and providing feedback if the primary active node with that net number goes offline.

    These are both high-level answers. There are a lot of details that need to be taken into consideration for this to work properly.

    How would you like this functionality to work? I can make sure you're opinion gets logged so that we can implement something that functions as our users would want it to.

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