Full BackUp


when we see a full tracked backup solution ala GrandMa with the Hog III ??
This Year ??

  • what is with crahses, which be a summary of work over a long time, a summary of commands, touches,...whatever? how will you handle this? you have the same hardware, same software, same showfile and at work all commands and operations you did behind the desk will send in realtime to a backupsystem and now? at this time, the backup system will help only if you have an electronical or mechanical problem. the most backup systems what we had actual in our business are be a real good fake and not 100% showsafe and will crash at the same time. So what is, when you have a delay to execute the same commands? your main system will crash, ok you go to the backup system and do the same, then? or you will not do your last actions behind your main system and do some other, but you will not know, from where you have this trouble, maybe 5 minutes erliear as you did some, what will in combination with some newer actions crash the console?

    i be happy that i must not write source code and think about this things, but in my opinion it is much safer two work with 2 identical but not connected main systems and use some dmx switches to change between the system. in this case at show time, you have an identical show as you started with the system, but the rest all commands, all operations, all... you did this on one of your systems, but on second you change only the pages.

    the most trouble with electronic equipment you will not have, when you play only or with your hardware equipment. the most trouble you will have with software, operators and in our business with patching, editing, programming,...(as a remember at introducing of windows and blue screens)

    so at first i think we need dmx switches, who can controlled over a network and you can cascade them, that you most not switch on/off 15 devices. in an advanced version with fade if the 2 inputs have different datas, or if you haven't a backup solution, then a frozen output and fade back if you have .... else switch;-)
  • what is with crahses, which be a summary of work over a long time, a summary of commands, touches,...whatever? how will you handle this? you have the same hardware, same software, same showfile and at work all commands and operations you did behind the desk will send in realtime to a backupsystem and now? at this time, the backup system will help only if you have an electronical or mechanical problem. the most backup systems what we had actual in our business are be a real good fake and not 100% showsafe and will crash at the same time. So what is, when you have a delay to execute the same commands? your main system will crash, ok you go to the backup system and do the same, then? or you will not do your last actions behind your main system and do some other, but you will not know, from where you have this trouble, maybe 5 minutes erliear as you did some, what will in combination with some newer actions crash the console?

    i be happy that i must not write source code and think about this things, but in my opinion it is much safer two work with 2 identical but not connected main systems and use some dmx switches to change between the system. in this case at show time, you have an identical show as you started with the system, but the rest all commands, all operations, all... you did this on one of your systems, but on second you change only the pages.

    the most trouble with electronic equipment you will not have, when you play only or with your hardware equipment. the most trouble you will have with software, operators and in our business with patching, editing, programming,...(as a remember at introducing of windows and blue screens)

    so at first i think we need dmx switches, who can controlled over a network and you can cascade them, that you most not switch on/off 15 devices. in an advanced version with fade if the 2 inputs have different datas, or if you haven't a backup solution, then a frozen output and fade back if you have .... else switch;-)
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