Full BackUp


when we see a full tracked backup solution ala GrandMa with the Hog III ??
This Year ??

  • Hay Robert,

    first: NO.... I have never try this wile I playing with other stuff like
    pandoras and

    bringing the elc lan node 4 in the game was in mind for backup solution
    when HES / Hog III is open to Art-Net.
    As you know I own antoher console since....
    So use a console that output dmx and another one outputing at artnet and bring them into the elc...know you have a easy backup without cable; by the way like mike say: Use two ident. System and a DMX switch is the best.
    There is no way to give you 100% safty without cabling new.
    If the DMX switch fail....you have it again.
    What you do when you have more then 4 universe ?? you need more switches more more more more...add more things to a system rise also the sources of equipment that can fail......
    Normal 99% safty of a backup system ist fine enough.

    ....ArtNet is a nice way to manage backup systems.
    Yes yes you can make DMX ( DP ) to ArtNet...and then again you need more machines

  • Hay Robert,

    first: NO.... I have never try this wile I playing with other stuff like
    pandoras and

    bringing the elc lan node 4 in the game was in mind for backup solution
    when HES / Hog III is open to Art-Net.
    As you know I own antoher console since....
    So use a console that output dmx and another one outputing at artnet and bring them into the elc...know you have a easy backup without cable; by the way like mike say: Use two ident. System and a DMX switch is the best.
    There is no way to give you 100% safty without cabling new.
    If the DMX switch fail....you have it again.
    What you do when you have more then 4 universe ?? you need more switches more more more more...add more things to a system rise also the sources of equipment that can fail......
    Normal 99% safty of a backup system ist fine enough.

    ....ArtNet is a nice way to manage backup systems.
    Yes yes you can make DMX ( DP ) to ArtNet...and then again you need more machines

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