The best way for Live show !!!

O.k. it's go's like this:

We all know that the tool with the must useful option is the "CueList", you can do anything with the cuelist.
so, if you have all the cuelist under your hand and a simple way to control them then your the king !!!:headbang:

My tip is-
open the Cuelist Directory, disable the lock button and "wash" the two hog touchscreens with the cuelist directory and you have 175 cuelists in front of you and it's look like lines (first line is cuelist 1>25 and under that you have the second line with cuelist 26>50 and then 51>75 etc...)

After that, record the second line with "RELEASE" buttons:
press record and touch the cuelist button, you get an cuelist with cue 1 empty, set this cue macro to RL (Release Cuelist) and enter the cuelist number that above the "Release button" (the corent cuelist) for example: in line one cuelist #1 and line 2 cuelist #26 so cuelist #26 is the release button of cuelist #1 because cuelist #26 is under cuelist #1 and the macro of cue 1 in cuelist #26 will be RL1.

*to any "Release" button you must add a second macro command that say RL#(the number of the release button) so the release will be a momentry press and don't stay active. the command for release button #26 will be RL1:RL26 .

Now you have the first line to record anything on that cuelists (Effects, Cue's, Chasers etc...) and the second line with release buttons to release those cuelist in a simple way.

now you can do the same for line 3 and 4 and line 5 and 6 (line 3 for cuelist and line 4 for release buttons and the same with 5 and 6)
and you have somting like 100 active cue list to fire in a easy way and fast release.

See the attach file:

  • Yes but all my cuelist have 3 or 4 cues so this way its more easy to release it
    or for a nice effect that every time you push the cuelist button the moving heads go up, or change color, gobo etc... you can't do thing like thet with the ""add release cue at end" beacuse the time you get to the last cue, the cuelist will release/
    and if the release is a "add release cue at end" option you can't do alot of thing with the cuelist like timing and follow and when the release is separate you can play chase more easly and release them

  • Yes but all my cuelist have 3 or 4 cues so this way its more easy to release it
    or for a nice effect that every time you push the cuelist button the moving heads go up, or change color, gobo etc... you can't do thing like thet with the ""add release cue at end" beacuse the time you get to the last cue, the cuelist will release/
    and if the release is a "add release cue at end" option you can't do alot of thing with the cuelist like timing and follow and when the release is separate you can play chase more easly and release them

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