fixture with frames

Could it be possible to have Frame1A and frame 1B on same wheel: Wheel1=Frame 1A and Pig+wheel1=Frame 1B, with this option you could have 4 frames on same wheels page.
  • Way back in the early days I requested a framing shutter tool, a little like the color picker where users could drag each shutter individually by centre or either edge, or all shutters collectively, rotate the gate in either direction, select from a few preset shapes like box, triangle, slot etc, zoom whilst maintaining each shape, high-light shutters for identification purposes, and a one click home option to reset to defaults.

    The beauty of this for me is I rarely know in truth which shutter I need to adjust given hanging orientations, focus positions etc. and it would work cross platform with both methods of framing shutters so when selecting a Mac 2k Performance and a VL1000 together both could be adjusted simultaneously.

  • Way back in the early days I requested a framing shutter tool, a little like the color picker where users could drag each shutter individually by centre or either edge, or all shutters collectively, rotate the gate in either direction, select from a few preset shapes like box, triangle, slot etc, zoom whilst maintaining each shape, high-light shutters for identification purposes, and a one click home option to reset to defaults.

    The beauty of this for me is I rarely know in truth which shutter I need to adjust given hanging orientations, focus positions etc. and it would work cross platform with both methods of framing shutters so when selecting a Mac 2k Performance and a VL1000 together both could be adjusted simultaneously.

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