Lock Console / Screen Saver


I already discussed these feature a time ago, but noticed again this weekend that they may be vital :)

The first one is having a possibilty to lock the console, and unlock it again by entering, for example a pin code. This locking may lock all the features of the console, so no output to the rigg, no interaction with the console.

The second one is having a timeout to be set where the screens will switch off until a key is pressed again. This will prevent burn-in. I have disabled the powerlock on the screens, and I switch them off when I leave for a certain time, but, if the power drops, the desk will boot up again, and they will stay on for x time.
  • I am aware that the following requests have been asked for before but just wanted to add to the list of those hoping for this level of security with Hog 3.

    It would be useful to know when you can implement three locks for the Hog 3 Software.

    The first being a Console Lock, allowing no access to screens or playback.
    The second being an Operator Mode - Playback Only.. NO UPDATES / NO Show Save
    The Third being a Programmer Mode - Programming and Focus Updates / Locked out External Burning Window or File Browser Window (console backup ok).

    These options would be useful for most situations where show security is of importance.

    Many Thanks
  • I am aware that the following requests have been asked for before but just wanted to add to the list of those hoping for this level of security with Hog 3.

    It would be useful to know when you can implement three locks for the Hog 3 Software.

    The first being a Console Lock, allowing no access to screens or playback.
    The second being an Operator Mode - Playback Only.. NO UPDATES / NO Show Save
    The Third being a Programmer Mode - Programming and Focus Updates / Locked out External Burning Window or File Browser Window (console backup ok).

    These options would be useful for most situations where show security is of importance.

    Many Thanks
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