Copy to...

Maybe this is not the place to ask that can i copy the all parameter value of fixture 1 to fixture 2 in jands hog 500 ??

In WH III words: Studio Color 1 Copy To Studio Color 2

  • Well that might be it...parameter copying (Cloning) definitely wasn't around until V3.xx of the Hog 2 software.

    If you're talking about Hog 3 copying ("copy to") functionality, that was never implemented in Hog Hog 2, you have to Copy From (Pig+Copy)...for example, in Hog 3, if you wanted to copy parameters FROM Fixture 1 TO Fixture 2, the syntax is "Fixture 1 Copy Fixture 2 Enter". To do the same thing on the Hog 2, (as Tom indicated) the syntax is reversed: "2 Pig+Copy 1 Enter". In both Hog versions you have to have Fixture 1 parameters "touched" in the programmer for the copying to work.
  • Well that might be it...parameter copying (Cloning) definitely wasn't around until V3.xx of the Hog 2 software.

    If you're talking about Hog 3 copying ("copy to") functionality, that was never implemented in Hog Hog 2, you have to Copy From (Pig+Copy)...for example, in Hog 3, if you wanted to copy parameters FROM Fixture 1 TO Fixture 2, the syntax is "Fixture 1 Copy Fixture 2 Enter". To do the same thing on the Hog 2, (as Tom indicated) the syntax is reversed: "2 Pig+Copy 1 Enter". In both Hog versions you have to have Fixture 1 parameters "touched" in the programmer for the copying to work.
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