groups in auto palettes

i think it would be great to have 2 more options for group in auto palette directoty.
1) An option to create solo group (1 fixture by palette) without using the maximum group repeat (just to have all and eatch). We could have Alignement option with hole in fixture numbering, 1 thru 8 on first group palette line, 11 thru 17 on second group palette line....

2) An other option to have an auto Symmetrical goupes , created from the holes in the numeration of fixtures.
we have 15 fixtures, 8 on truss A Numbered from 1 to 8 and 7 on truss B Numbered from 11 to 17. Symmetrical goupe are
1 + 8
2 + 7
3 + 6
4 + 5
11 + 17
12 + 16
13 + 15
There is a hole between 8 and 11 in the sequence of numbers, so the Symmetrical groups are done from 1 to 8 then from 11 to 17.