Reduce 8-bit sensitivity w/ PIG

I know that there have been comments in the past regarding the sensitivity of encoder wheels. Specifically, a 'normal' sensitivity setting tends to be a bit too high of a setting when navigating libraries and clips (or whatever you want to call them) on media servers.

One option set forth is the option to make the sensitivity adjustable at a 'fixture' level.

Given that the PIG key is used to work in 16-bit mode on 16-bit channels, I would propose that we make the PIG key act in a similar manner on all 8-bit parameters by temporarily reducing the sensitivity of the encoders.

So, in the case of a Catalyst, holding down the PIG key while adjusting my 'Library' encoder would reduce the sensitivity of that encoder, allowing me to move more slowly through available folders.

In the case of any other 8-bit parameter, this could also come in somewhat useful, even though it wouldn't actually improve the actual precision of the device.


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