This was probably the fastest chip that the original designers could specify when the console hardware was being designed. The Wholehog 3 has been on the market for a number of years now. The hardware was probably specified years before that, considering the amount of software development that was done before that.
Remember that Moore's law (as in Intel founder Gordon Moore) states that computing power roughly doubles every 18 months. I wasn't involved with the original development of the Hog 3, but I would think that the designer specified the best chip that was available at the time.
This was probably the fastest chip that the original designers could specify when the console hardware was being designed. The Wholehog 3 has been on the market for a number of years now. The hardware was probably specified years before that, considering the amount of software development that was done before that.
Remember that Moore's law (as in Intel founder Gordon Moore) states that computing power roughly doubles every 18 months. I wasn't involved with the original development of the Hog 3, but I would think that the designer specified the best chip that was available at the time.