Hog PC issue

Greetings. I am using a Hog 3 v1.3.8 (b 988) with 2 attached mini-wings as a primary desk and a Hog PC v1.4.0 (b1112) with a mini wing and programmer wing as a backup via midi show control and a simple DMX A/B switch. The Hog 3 is running 4 universes of DMX thru a single dp2000 and the PC is utilizing 4 x DMX widgets. I had an issue on my last event where the Hog 3 crashed due to a static shock as posted earlier. We have been investigating everything that went wrong on that show and I have discovered two oddities in the Hog PC:

Issue 1:
When swapping between the primary desk and the PC, everything works well with the exception of the fact that a handful of conventional DMX channels seem to come on at full. Pig + Release does no clear them. They do not appear on any cue lists, however, you can fade them out via the GM as well as the inhibitive master. My assumption was that these channels are somehow active on one of the two mini wings on the Hog 3. On subsequent saves from the Hog 3 I have made certain that all masters are released PRIOR to saving, but this does not solve the problem. Any thoughts??

Issue 2:
I noticed today when the Hog PC was tracking the primary desk, the master Q list was showing the typical arrow on each cue as it tracked the primary desk. However, the cells were not highlighting, nor was there any timing countdown displayed as the ques were activated. It ocurred to me that this is the same state I had seen last week, but thought nothing of it. (silly me)When swapping over to the backup desk for testing purposes, it became obvious that, while I could still press the "GO" button on a particular fader and make the "arrow" move appropriately on the Q list display, the console was actually doing nothing. (no highlighting of the specific cells; no countdown) It was also not outputting any DMX information at all. Any thoughts on to the cause of this particular condition??

Thank you,
Scott Moore