Programming question

I am running the HOG III platform on the HOGIPC and I was wondering what seems to be an easy question but I cannot figure it out. Can I assign a single parameter of a moving fixture (ie: cyan, magenta, yellow, gobo wheel, whatever) to a fader and control just that parameter, like you can with the intensity parameter? any help would be appreciated. apologies in advance if this is a lame programmer (me)

  • Fader IPCB its simple like it sound,

    Fader Intensity + Position + Colour + Beam

    The fader control on all 4 parameters group (I,P,C,B), in the Hog 2 you can set this even to a cuelist, this is not yet implement in the WholeHog III but im sure it will be very soon. (But as far as i know, you don't have scenes in the Hog 2 :), im sure someone will corect me if i wrong)
    This is very usefule tool for live shows or for a quick programming and my favored, you don't need to press Go.

    Like Tom say (don't see Tom like that, hes not allways in vacation, Tom is one of the must important persons in this industry but right now...hes in vacation so..., of course there is Brad and Scott to but they don't post in this thread and they probably work, they don't have time for vacation like Tom :) ) you can set every fader to control on a differnt parameter of the same fixture and speed up your programming time.

    For example: lets say you have a cue with all Studio Color in Cyan wash and you have an IPCB Scene that control on the Magenta Parameter of the Studio Color, during the show you can play with the Flash of the Magenta Fader and you get Magenta parameter in flashes or you can add as muce as you want magenta to the cue.

    Another one, you can record an Effect Engine to the IPCB Scene, let say circle efx and the fader control on the size and you don't need to press the Go button.

    Play with that a little, you will find this very usefule.

  • Fader IPCB its simple like it sound,

    Fader Intensity + Position + Colour + Beam

    The fader control on all 4 parameters group (I,P,C,B), in the Hog 2 you can set this even to a cuelist, this is not yet implement in the WholeHog III but im sure it will be very soon. (But as far as i know, you don't have scenes in the Hog 2 :), im sure someone will corect me if i wrong)
    This is very usefule tool for live shows or for a quick programming and my favored, you don't need to press Go.

    Like Tom say (don't see Tom like that, hes not allways in vacation, Tom is one of the must important persons in this industry but right now...hes in vacation so..., of course there is Brad and Scott to but they don't post in this thread and they probably work, they don't have time for vacation like Tom :) ) you can set every fader to control on a differnt parameter of the same fixture and speed up your programming time.

    For example: lets say you have a cue with all Studio Color in Cyan wash and you have an IPCB Scene that control on the Magenta Parameter of the Studio Color, during the show you can play with the Flash of the Magenta Fader and you get Magenta parameter in flashes or you can add as muce as you want magenta to the cue.

    Another one, you can record an Effect Engine to the IPCB Scene, let say circle efx and the fader control on the size and you don't need to press the Go button.

    Play with that a little, you will find this very usefule.

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