Poorly Hog 3

Hi All, Just sent this problem to High End, but maybe as all the Americans are behind us in Europe, they are all be still in bed. Got a Hog 3 and the blighter won't start up. Goes to probing disks and then hangs in the screensaver window. I wonder if there is a button press and hold while powering up to get it to er... windows safe mode type thing or perhaps I could make a boot disk. Anyway care to guess?

Andy P
  • The problem ended up being a screw that holds the screen in, when tighten made the cursor go crazy, untighten the screw it seems fine. The desk not starting was solved with a clean install, that desk is in Norway doing a show. I am in Denmark at another festival with a 3 and a playback wing, that has got the latest release in and apart from a dodgy fader it seems to be working okay. We start tonight, so I will be knowing a lot more in 4 days time. Tom as you posted on the lightnetwork, I would be happy to give you my thoughts is a few days time, can you give me your email address? Right off to change a fader, which I know to be better than doing the same job on a Hog 2:sad:

  • The problem ended up being a screw that holds the screen in, when tighten made the cursor go crazy, untighten the screw it seems fine. The desk not starting was solved with a clean install, that desk is in Norway doing a show. I am in Denmark at another festival with a 3 and a playback wing, that has got the latest release in and apart from a dodgy fader it seems to be working okay. We start tonight, so I will be knowing a lot more in 4 days time. Tom as you posted on the lightnetwork, I would be happy to give you my thoughts is a few days time, can you give me your email address? Right off to change a fader, which I know to be better than doing the same job on a Hog 2:sad:

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