Control parameters in palettes

Is it just my imagination, or can I not store a control parameter in a palette?

Here's my problem: I have a new installation with some VLs and Cybers. While I'm building cues, there is still some work going on with power and control wiring to the Cybers, so I'm occasionally asked to power down a fixture, or send a home command to a fixture that a tech is working on. Since sending a "home" or a "shutdown" control command alone does not work on the Cybers due to the simultaneous needs of the intensity channel, I've built a list that I run as a VM to handle home and shutdown. But, while in building cues, I don't want to run the list and have all my Cybers home or shutdown. I can work around this by capturing the control channel first, then running the list, but this is a nuisance while building cues. On a Hog 2, I would create a palette with the control channel levels (or a series of palettes for the Cyber necessities), then select the fixture and apply the palette(s). Unfortunately, I can't get a control in a palette on the Hog iPC (running version 1.4.1).

Has anybody found a cleaner way to do this?
  • Brad,

    Thanks for the clarification. Since my original post, I realized I can set the intensity to zero in the programmer, use the highlight button to "cycle" the intensity quickly to full and back to zero, then call up the necessary function in the control menu within three seconds. I'm also implementing Todd's idea of having individual lists for each Cyber. I also just discovered a previous posting by Marty where he says a hard zero in the programmer seems to bypass the intensity channel manipulation prior to setting the control value, so I'll give that a try and see if that works.

    Can anybody comment on my original question... Is there a way to record control channel attributes in a palette? If not, could that be a future addition, or is there an argument against adding that functionality?

  • Brad,

    Thanks for the clarification. Since my original post, I realized I can set the intensity to zero in the programmer, use the highlight button to "cycle" the intensity quickly to full and back to zero, then call up the necessary function in the control menu within three seconds. I'm also implementing Todd's idea of having individual lists for each Cyber. I also just discovered a previous posting by Marty where he says a hard zero in the programmer seems to bypass the intensity channel manipulation prior to setting the control value, so I'll give that a try and see if that works.

    Can anybody comment on my original question... Is there a way to record control channel attributes in a palette? If not, could that be a future addition, or is there an argument against adding that functionality?

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