HogIII performance... shaking Movinglights.

Hello everyone

I just started a tour with 20 Elp60 Led-sticks, five MAC 700 and a few conventionals. That gives me about 1400 DMX channels...since I'm running the LED-sticks in 60channel mode. (Yes I want and I need it that way!).
And there is the problem: first I had everything on one DP, first universe 480xLED, sec. univ. 480xLED, 3rd univ. 240xLED plus ML and conv..... well when I swopped all LED, for example from red to blue, it took the console about a half a second to react, plus on fast programming the console crashed! Nework problems! To slow for rock n'roll!... well ok. I changed from one DP to two DP's, moved one of the LED universes to DP two and I changed the Software from build 1014 to 1053. That helped already a lot, the performance improved.
So far so good, but then: when I ran an effect on the LED's and I did a slow move on the ML they start to shake and do no more nice moves they shake from on position to the next... impossible to accept.
So I changed the universes again, now I run 960chans LED on DP one and the rest on DP two 240LED, plus ML etc. Well the ML are better now, not good but I can live with it, but I'm having the old delay on the LED's again and I have a delay between the two DP's!
Maybe this is all normal, but what can we do about it?

Anyone an Idea?


  • Michael,

    I've received your show file. I'll take a look at it and let you know if I find anything interesting. I'll keep an eye out for the HTP problem you described.

    I'm interested in hearing more about the timecode problems you've been seeing. What format was the timecode and how were you getting it to the console? What were the issues that you were having?

    I would highly recommend upgrading your console to v1.3.9 build 1053 software. This release included some significant performance improvements and some important bug fixes. I understand your frustrations and appreciate that you continue to use the console, but I want you to know that our entire development team is working extremely hard to continue making improvements and fixing bugs. I feel we've made very good progess in the past year and I'm very excited about some of the things that we're currently working on.

    Please feel free to continue to give us your feedback here. The opinions of our userbase play an important role in driving the direction of console development.

  • Michael,

    I've received your show file. I'll take a look at it and let you know if I find anything interesting. I'll keep an eye out for the HTP problem you described.

    I'm interested in hearing more about the timecode problems you've been seeing. What format was the timecode and how were you getting it to the console? What were the issues that you were having?

    I would highly recommend upgrading your console to v1.3.9 build 1053 software. This release included some significant performance improvements and some important bug fixes. I understand your frustrations and appreciate that you continue to use the console, but I want you to know that our entire development team is working extremely hard to continue making improvements and fixing bugs. I feel we've made very good progess in the past year and I'm very excited about some of the things that we're currently working on.

    Please feel free to continue to give us your feedback here. The opinions of our userbase play an important role in driving the direction of console development.

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