HogIII performance... shaking Movinglights.

Hello everyone

I just started a tour with 20 Elp60 Led-sticks, five MAC 700 and a few conventionals. That gives me about 1400 DMX channels...since I'm running the LED-sticks in 60channel mode. (Yes I want and I need it that way!).
And there is the problem: first I had everything on one DP, first universe 480xLED, sec. univ. 480xLED, 3rd univ. 240xLED plus ML and conv..... well when I swopped all LED, for example from red to blue, it took the console about a half a second to react, plus on fast programming the console crashed! Nework problems! To slow for rock n'roll!... well ok. I changed from one DP to two DP's, moved one of the LED universes to DP two and I changed the Software from build 1014 to 1053. That helped already a lot, the performance improved.
So far so good, but then: when I ran an effect on the LED's and I did a slow move on the ML they start to shake and do no more nice moves they shake from on position to the next... impossible to accept.
So I changed the universes again, now I run 960chans LED on DP one and the rest on DP two 240LED, plus ML etc. Well the ML are better now, not good but I can live with it, but I'm having the old delay on the LED's again and I have a delay between the two DP's!
Maybe this is all normal, but what can we do about it?

Anyone an Idea?


  • Dear Tom

    finally I found time to reply and describe my latest expierences, its always hard to remember everything, when your back home.

    I'running at that point build 1053.

    Timecode: I'm using the USB-TLC interface, which works fine. I'm receiving EBU25 from a Lasercomputer, there is no problem so far. What happend, when I'm running the show, if there is a fadetime, which overlaps the next cue... you understand? For example: CUE27 fadetime20s ,some delay on the gobo or whatever.. TLC 00:01:01:00 ---> CUE28 anytime TLC 00:01:15:00 and maybe there is also couple off effects running..... (lets call it a real world situation), what happens then is that CUE27 freezes or it just doesn't finish or it just doesn't do all the things in CUE28, which are supposed to happen. It's hard to explain. Again: if I have overlapping fadetimes with timecodeinformation, so that a next cue starts before the old is finished, which is possible if they don't do the same parameters or just some of it... THEN i loose some information for the next cue.. You understand?
    Whatsoever, this situation, happens only when I run TC, external or internal does not matter.. when I run the cuelist manually, then there is no problem. I changed the the the whole fade- and delaytiming to a simpler way.. so that are not to many parallel fadings are running, then i twas ok...another compromis..

    Somehow sometimes the playback freezes, no more Go, choose or release, but HTP's are still running. I can not really tell why this happens, mostly during programming, while updating cues. When I restart the playback, it solves usually the problem for a little while, and then it croackes all the way...--> Restart!
    Actually I had to restart the console about every hour, customers asking me if this normal? What answer would you suggest?

    Ah yes and when pressing: OPEN--> PARKED leads me to a editor with the parked channels.. very good Idea! But then I wanted to knockout right from there the parked channels --> Fatal error and goodbye --> restart! Maybe I shouldn't do this...



    PS: I would really like a "Marc-cue" button and anyone who doesn't like it: DON'T USE IT!
  • Dear Tom

    finally I found time to reply and describe my latest expierences, its always hard to remember everything, when your back home.

    I'running at that point build 1053.

    Timecode: I'm using the USB-TLC interface, which works fine. I'm receiving EBU25 from a Lasercomputer, there is no problem so far. What happend, when I'm running the show, if there is a fadetime, which overlaps the next cue... you understand? For example: CUE27 fadetime20s ,some delay on the gobo or whatever.. TLC 00:01:01:00 ---> CUE28 anytime TLC 00:01:15:00 and maybe there is also couple off effects running..... (lets call it a real world situation), what happens then is that CUE27 freezes or it just doesn't finish or it just doesn't do all the things in CUE28, which are supposed to happen. It's hard to explain. Again: if I have overlapping fadetimes with timecodeinformation, so that a next cue starts before the old is finished, which is possible if they don't do the same parameters or just some of it... THEN i loose some information for the next cue.. You understand?
    Whatsoever, this situation, happens only when I run TC, external or internal does not matter.. when I run the cuelist manually, then there is no problem. I changed the the the whole fade- and delaytiming to a simpler way.. so that are not to many parallel fadings are running, then i twas ok...another compromis..

    Somehow sometimes the playback freezes, no more Go, choose or release, but HTP's are still running. I can not really tell why this happens, mostly during programming, while updating cues. When I restart the playback, it solves usually the problem for a little while, and then it croackes all the way...--> Restart!
    Actually I had to restart the console about every hour, customers asking me if this normal? What answer would you suggest?

    Ah yes and when pressing: OPEN--> PARKED leads me to a editor with the parked channels.. very good Idea! But then I wanted to knockout right from there the parked channels --> Fatal error and goodbye --> restart! Maybe I shouldn't do this...



    PS: I would really like a "Marc-cue" button and anyone who doesn't like it: DON'T USE IT!
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