HogIII performance... shaking Movinglights.

Hello everyone

I just started a tour with 20 Elp60 Led-sticks, five MAC 700 and a few conventionals. That gives me about 1400 DMX channels...since I'm running the LED-sticks in 60channel mode. (Yes I want and I need it that way!).
And there is the problem: first I had everything on one DP, first universe 480xLED, sec. univ. 480xLED, 3rd univ. 240xLED plus ML and conv..... well when I swopped all LED, for example from red to blue, it took the console about a half a second to react, plus on fast programming the console crashed! Nework problems! To slow for rock n'roll!... well ok. I changed from one DP to two DP's, moved one of the LED universes to DP two and I changed the Software from build 1014 to 1053. That helped already a lot, the performance improved.
So far so good, but then: when I ran an effect on the LED's and I did a slow move on the ML they start to shake and do no more nice moves they shake from on position to the next... impossible to accept.
So I changed the universes again, now I run 960chans LED on DP one and the rest on DP two 240LED, plus ML etc. Well the ML are better now, not good but I can live with it, but I'm having the old delay on the LED's again and I have a delay between the two DP's!
Maybe this is all normal, but what can we do about it?

Anyone an Idea?


  • Dear Tom

    thanxs.. for spending some time wirh the TC-problem, I'can't send you a show file of this, because I only have a backup on ZIP of this. This show is already over anyway...

    My bigger problem is still the HTP-cues, which are freezing once in a while and without restarting the console they don't come back... as I already described in post#11... It's very scary if you don't know during a show, when you are loosing cues the next time... it just happened on saturday again to me.


  • Dear Tom

    thanxs.. for spending some time wirh the TC-problem, I'can't send you a show file of this, because I only have a backup on ZIP of this. This show is already over anyway...

    My bigger problem is still the HTP-cues, which are freezing once in a while and without restarting the console they don't come back... as I already described in post#11... It's very scary if you don't know during a show, when you are loosing cues the next time... it just happened on saturday again to me.


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