Hog III bug list

Is the complete current bug list and feature request list available to view online?

I just got back into using the HIII platform after an extended period of time (version 1.2.25 left me a bit scarred). There are a number of issues that I am encountering. I have searched throught the forums and noticed that some have been logged, but it would be great to view the bug list in one place, so as not to keep bringing up already identified issues.


Brendan Gray
  • Brendan,

    I am glad you decided to come back to the Wholehog 3. As I am sure you can understand, HES/FPS has a policy of not publicly displaying our known bugs and feature requests. However if there is anything you are particularly concerned about, please feel free to email me directly at brad_schiller (at) highend.com

    There are many productions world wide having great success with the Wholehog 3 operating system and we are continuing to improve the system and add new features.

    thanks again,
  • Brad-

    Thanks for your response. Your reply is what I expected, but I wanted to get the word out there anyways. I am glad that at least this forum exists, and enables users to see what issues others are having.

    Once this current production has wrapped, I will compile an e-mail with my issues and thoughts, and gladly sent it in.

    The III is a very different desk (in a good way) than it was in 2003, and many of the features (and, more importantly, fixes) are a pleasure to use. I look forward to the result of the continued development efforts.

    I have an upcoming project that will have me on the road with a III for some time, so I expect I'll be on here a lot more.


  • Thank you again Brendan for your continued support and use of our console. I look forward to reading your email.