My hog 3 crashed during a show which resulted in a blackout.
During the show i updated a cue in my cuelist and got an error message which told me it wasn't possible to update at that moment and gave me the options to wait or either cancel my action. I pressed wait and after a few moments the same message was shown. I'd tried 'wait' for 2 more times. Then i'd have to go on with the show so i pressed cancel and at that moment it shut down.
The wh3 told it was save to shut down so i did. The screen turned black with only the cursor shown. It wouln't respond to any button at all. I disconnnected the main power and had to wait for the batterys to die.
After this the wh3 turned on normal and i could get on with my show.
What could cause this kind of problem?
I use a wholehog 3 with one dp2000
there are 18 heads in the show and about 50 desk channels
greetings Erik