Clear and clear + clear

As it seems that Pig+clear is now used on hog III to unclear, could it be possible when fade changes is pushed to have whith one press on clear key a clear using programmer or default fade time and double press on clear key a clear using a 0s fade time?

thanks steph
  • Steph,

    Un-clearing the programmer is actually done with the Undo button. Pig+Clear was originally Hog 2 syntax. I think that Pig+Clear might be a better option for clearing the programmer in a 0s time because I know a number of operators who tend to hit the Clear button multiple times when they clear the programmer and it would be unfortunate to have this behaviour happen accidentally.
  • I thingk the clear double press is common for windows users. I know I double clear almost all the time.
  • [quote=teerickson]Steph,

    Un-clearing the programmer is actually done with the Undo button. Pig+Clear was originally Hog 2 syntax. I think that Pig+Clear might be a better option for clearing the programmer in a 0s time because I know a number of operators who tend to hit the Clear button multiple times when they clear the programmer and it would be unfortunate to have this behaviour happen accidentally.
    Hi tom
    i was talkink of pig + clear because in this thread Amir said that it was working with hog 3 (not on Hog3 PC and IPC) to Un-clear the programmer
    As Undo button is Un-clearing the programmer, i think that clear key is the best solution to clear it, perhaps Pig + clear should be an option or put a time option on clear key, for example if you press the clear key less than 2s that's not clearing editor and keep pig + clear for an other option.
