How do I control the now totally networkable HogIII family via the ethernet? My grasp of networking is fair, so I'd like to know what the setup would be for this (i.e. where do I look up the IP addresses of the hardware and how to make the settings so I can be on one stage with an internet connection and a laptop and control another show.) Not too complicated, it would seem, but as a relative noob when it comes to that (the curse of the everything happens like magic Macuser) I'd appreciate any expert advice...I figure a router connected to the internet with the respective DP2000 and HogIII and, er....
Cormac, thanks for pointing me towards that stuff. It is great for setting up a network but there's no information at all about how to set it up for working with the internet. My hunch is that the solution lies in turning of DHCP on the console and using a router as the DHCP server but where my expertise falls off is how devices find each other over the internet. I suppose by using an IP address that isn't searchable from the net and then calling it up with another console from the internet by using specific IP addresses that I set I could make the network. The issue is of course real time response (addressed in the Ethernet Guide) and security. Real time response would have to be sacrificed however security is another issue, hence my thinking that using IP addresses that aren't "findable" on the web would be good, but then, would they be findable if someone was actively trying to connect to them. I put a call out to HES and they didn't have a quick answer for me and then I had to get back to work.
Cormac, thanks for pointing me towards that stuff. It is great for setting up a network but there's no information at all about how to set it up for working with the internet. My hunch is that the solution lies in turning of DHCP on the console and using a router as the DHCP server but where my expertise falls off is how devices find each other over the internet. I suppose by using an IP address that isn't searchable from the net and then calling it up with another console from the internet by using specific IP addresses that I set I could make the network. The issue is of course real time response (addressed in the Ethernet Guide) and security. Real time response would have to be sacrificed however security is another issue, hence my thinking that using IP addresses that aren't "findable" on the web would be good, but then, would they be findable if someone was actively trying to connect to them. I put a call out to HES and they didn't have a quick answer for me and then I had to get back to work.