Phoning it in! HogIII control via internet!

How do I control the now totally networkable HogIII family via the ethernet? My grasp of networking is fair, so I'd like to know what the setup would be for this (i.e. where do I look up the IP addresses of the hardware and how to make the settings so I can be on one stage with an internet connection and a laptop and control another show.) Not too complicated, it would seem, but as a relative noob when it comes to that (the curse of the everything happens like magic Macuser) I'd appreciate any expert advice...I figure a router connected to the internet with the respective DP2000 and HogIII and, er....
  • Dave,

    If you have enough connectivity to get a remote desktop connection, then you should have enough to just start Hog 3PC on the machine you're connecting from and connect directly to the show. The specific details of this will depend on a few things. You may run into problems in a routed network, since the Hog3 application uses multicast network traffic and many routers don't forward multicast messages. You will also have to determine for yourself which option offers the best performance. Remote Desktop sends lots of image traffic for visualizing the desktop of the server and you may find that the performance is actually slower than connecting directly with Hog 3PC, but this will depend on the bandwidth and latency of your network setup.

    Please let us know how your setup works for you and feel free to ask additional questions if you have problems getting things set up.

  • Dave,

    If you have enough connectivity to get a remote desktop connection, then you should have enough to just start Hog 3PC on the machine you're connecting from and connect directly to the show. The specific details of this will depend on a few things. You may run into problems in a routed network, since the Hog3 application uses multicast network traffic and many routers don't forward multicast messages. You will also have to determine for yourself which option offers the best performance. Remote Desktop sends lots of image traffic for visualizing the desktop of the server and you may find that the performance is actually slower than connecting directly with Hog 3PC, but this will depend on the bandwidth and latency of your network setup.

    Please let us know how your setup works for you and feel free to ask additional questions if you have problems getting things set up.

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