Stopping an Effect...

Hi All,
I have a question about stopping an effect in a cue that follows the cue that contains the effect.
Here is the scenario:
I take my mid-stage Mac 700's and place the Tilt into a sine wave with an offset and all that fun stuff for cue 2. In Cue 3 I want to stop the movement.... I grab the groups, assign them a static position and record cue 3 with the desired timing. Using either Record/Merge or Merge/Cue Number the first recording does not stop the movement. If I repeat the same syntax over again and record it (or merge/cue # twice in a row with the initial selection) it stops. Alternatively When I make the selection I open the effect engine and select "off" for that parameter and it seems to do it first.
I guess I am just looking for the 'proper' and 'efficient' method for this!
  • What a can of worms!
    It would be so nice to have the ability to touch effect parameters and also knock out effects parameters.
    Personally, I build my effects in virtual cuelists and then macro to them. That way, I can run an I fx, a P fx, C fx, and a B fx from the macros of another cuelist. Then it's just a matter of building perhaps a macro only list on a fader (or play control on exp wing) to trigger them.
    This is also good when building into a single string cuelist.
    It is however very time consuming and not everyone has a photographic memory to remember if it was list 6 or list 8 and if it was cue 7 or 17. Then there is also the hassle that the effects list has that notorious little thing called masking that can give you unwanted results when triggering a "slow pan scan" that was programmed after a "fast random pan"
    This did however promote the addition of a zero cue that precedes each actual fx cue on my virtual list but what if I macro trigger fx 2 and then my next pan or tilt movement triggers fx 4? It won't crossfade but initiate the zero cue before running (looks very bad).
  • What a can of worms!
    It would be so nice to have the ability to touch effect parameters and also knock out effects parameters.
    Personally, I build my effects in virtual cuelists and then macro to them. That way, I can run an I fx, a P fx, C fx, and a B fx from the macros of another cuelist. Then it's just a matter of building perhaps a macro only list on a fader (or play control on exp wing) to trigger them.
    This is also good when building into a single string cuelist.
    It is however very time consuming and not everyone has a photographic memory to remember if it was list 6 or list 8 and if it was cue 7 or 17. Then there is also the hassle that the effects list has that notorious little thing called masking that can give you unwanted results when triggering a "slow pan scan" that was programmed after a "fast random pan"
    This did however promote the addition of a zero cue that precedes each actual fx cue on my virtual list but what if I macro trigger fx 2 and then my next pan or tilt movement triggers fx 4? It won't crossfade but initiate the zero cue before running (looks very bad).
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