New to Hog, need help

First off let me start with an appology,
I am a beginer in this field, i recently was hired on with
this orginisation that uses moving fixtures.
I am proficient with the ETC Express consoles,
They asked me on, then told me i need to learn Hog3 PC

I can record Basic Cues with the Hog PC, but as far as the
moving stuff, i am clueless i am reading but not comprehending any of it.
Is there some advice any one could give me for recording a moving sequence, or is there a thread somewhere that i can read that will explain to me
step by step on how to program this sequence?

Any info is greatly appricieated.
  • all is in manual at
  • [quote=KyleT85]
    ...I am proficient with the ETC Express consoles...

    Most every single Church or High School client I have has an express. Typically any theater will since ETC lights usually means ETC dimmers which usually means an ETC board.

    First, I want you to know that everything you do on an express is done in almost the same way on a Hog3. Even more-so, I want you to know that if you start by treating the Hog3 as a different type of conventional controller then it won't seem so intimidating.

    In my classes and workshops, I teach Hog3 with only conventionals and the students surprisingly find that it is so much easier to learn.
    I suggest you treat you Hog the same.
    Pretend Faders 2 thru 9 are submasters and just record looks. Make a template page and Call fader 10 "Cuelist."
    I guarantee that once you can do everything on a Hog you can do on an Express that automated lights will be so easy that you'll be ahead of the learning curve.
    Patch 512 DMX desk channels and leave them at their default fixture numbers.
    Pretend your group page is your "channel" assignment.
    Type Your patch and assign each DMX group to a group number. You can do this all from the command line.

    Trust me! This works.

    The only thing you will need to be aware of is the concept of "Tracking."
    If you record channels 1 through 20 at full in cue 1 and then record 21 through 40 at full in cue 2, when you run cue 2, it will show 1 through 40 at full unless you tell it to bring 1 through 20 to zero.