had a thought which may have been discussed before so sorry if it has,since the latest software release and the new developments with connectivity of console's would it be possible for real time diagnosis of bug's,issue's,conflict's that are occuring on console's/machine's.
What i'm thinking of is a way for the console to connect to a perhaps a virtual console so someone at highend or another support area or perhaps even experienced members of the high end forum could see what was happening and have access to the show network.
It would negate the process of having to upload show's for diagnosis and would be perhaps a slightly quicker way of dealing with serious issues as they were occuring.
Not every request is serious but i'm sure we have all had situations where it would have been good to be able to get on the spot help from a 24 hour support team that may have seen a similar issue or problem.
this isn't a request but more of a question and i'm not saying that the support the high team offer is bad as i have always got fantastic help no matter how small or large my request,
Regard's C
Cheers C