Here’s something interesting. We’ve reinstalled a Christmas show that was programmed last year on Hog III with the most current software at that time (November 2005). Now I’ve done quite a bit of fixture replicating and duplicating due to the show moving from one ballroom to another. I thought the problems were related to that but now I think I’ve got it pinned down to something else. While editing the current show (after booting the old file with SWV 2.0) – I began to experience file corruption of the active file while saving copies. This would happen about every sixth save and would trash the active file giving me the flag “Can’t find file…”. To rescue the file I would restart and launch the last good saved file (losing changes unfortunately). After a call to Mitch I was reminded about the issues with Auto Save, which was turned on, set to save three copies, at twenty minute intervals in the original old show file. Now the current software doesn’t have that feature available (unless it’s located somewhere else?). The interesting thing is that the desk is still auto saving copies of the original file labeled 2005. Every time I save a copy of the 2006 file there will be three copies of the 2005 file sitting in the show file folder. I’ve deleted all stuffed and un-stuffed 2005 files but this continues. The good news is that the active show file corruption has stopped at the moment. I’ll contribute that to several Garbage Collects and Check Integrity which have cleaned things up considerably. Any comments about this mysterious Auto Save of an old file?
We made a point of checking to make sure that auto-backups don't run when old shows with auto-backup enabled are loaded into software versions that have had auto-backup disabled, but I haven't looked into this in a while. I'm not seeing it happen here now, but I'll continue to dig a bit.
Do you know what version of software your show file was created with?
Could you send me a copy of the show file using our upload page at:
Hey Tom. Thanks for responding. No, I'm not sure which version software the original file was. Give me a few hours and you'll have a copy of the new file.
The problem with the auto-backup and corruption would occur if you did a manual backup at the same time an auto-backup was occuring. I think the fact you are not seeing it at the moment is just luck.
In an upcoming release, we have solved the problem and you will be able to use auto-backup again. However until then, I suggest that you open your show in Hog 3PC, disable auto-backup and save your show again. Then you should be able to load it into your console and the auto-backup problem should no longer occur. Hog 3PC has the auto-backup feature available, while the console does not.