It could be interesting if we could burn an image, of the OS and the current show, that could be booted on to install the image on hard drive , so if there is any trouble we would just have to put the image in cd driver to have clean install with last show.
We do have a feature request for an Archive function that would save ALL console settings so that you can load a show into a console and have it restore everything. This is logged as #7352.
Now that I have mentioned it, I am sure Paul Beasley will chime in and remind me more about it.;) You can read more at:
We do have a feature request for an Archive function that would save ALL console settings so that you can load a show into a console and have it restore everything. This is logged as #7352.
Now that I have mentioned it, I am sure Paul Beasley will chime in and remind me more about it.;) You can read more at: