Vector Orange v.s. Hog IPC

Hi all,

We are a small company and are looking for a new console. :headbang:

At the moment we are operating on a Strand 520.:mad:

Our company has at the moment 8 High End Studio Spots and 12 Mac 700 colour washes and about 6 x 24 Channel Dimmer packs with conventional lights. And we are still expanding. :09:

We had a few months ago a demo on a compulite Vector Orange. :o

And now we have been offered to try a Hog IPC. :hogsign:

Now the big question. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Which choice to make. Why should we choose the Hog IPC. :1zhelp: :1zhelp: :1zhelp:

Any up for the challenge to give us the pro’s and con’s ? :Eyecrazy: :Eyecrazy: :Eyecrazy:

Vector Orange v.s. Hog IPC :poke:

Patrick :cool:
  • [quote=LightingGuru]
    Some features that I like on the Vector are:
    - Vector supports the ability to download thumbnails via Ethernet from the Catalyst to the console.
    Well, sometimes with Hippotizer it doesn't work very well... it doesn't have reconnect. If you add media the new thumbs are not showing. You have to go to the patch and make "fake" adjusment to be able to save the patch and reload thumbs...or show must be reloaded. Though, I'm not sure how well it works with Catalyst. With Hippo thumbs are transfered via basic Windows file sharing.
    - Networking a laptop computer or another console as a tracking backup.
    But, multiuser is missing...

    - Undo/Redo, Cut/Copy and Paste buttons.
    Though, I think Spot # Copy Spot # Paste is a bit inconvenient syntax and also Cut and Paste when moving palettes compared to Hog X Copy Y or X Move Y
  • [quote=LightingGuru]
    Some features that I like on the Vector are:
    - Vector supports the ability to download thumbnails via Ethernet from the Catalyst to the console.
    Well, sometimes with Hippotizer it doesn't work very well... it doesn't have reconnect. If you add media the new thumbs are not showing. You have to go to the patch and make "fake" adjusment to be able to save the patch and reload thumbs...or show must be reloaded. Though, I'm not sure how well it works with Catalyst. With Hippo thumbs are transfered via basic Windows file sharing.
    - Networking a laptop computer or another console as a tracking backup.
    But, multiuser is missing...

    - Undo/Redo, Cut/Copy and Paste buttons.
    Though, I think Spot # Copy Spot # Paste is a bit inconvenient syntax and also Cut and Paste when moving palettes compared to Hog X Copy Y or X Move Y
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