Vector Orange v.s. Hog IPC

Hi all,

We are a small company and are looking for a new console. :headbang:

At the moment we are operating on a Strand 520.:mad:

Our company has at the moment 8 High End Studio Spots and 12 Mac 700 colour washes and about 6 x 24 Channel Dimmer packs with conventional lights. And we are still expanding. :09:

We had a few months ago a demo on a compulite Vector Orange. :o

And now we have been offered to try a Hog IPC. :hogsign:

Now the big question. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Which choice to make. Why should we choose the Hog IPC. :1zhelp: :1zhelp: :1zhelp:

Any up for the challenge to give us the pro’s and con’s ? :Eyecrazy: :Eyecrazy: :Eyecrazy:

Vector Orange v.s. Hog IPC :poke:

Patrick :cool:
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