Hold button

Not sure if this has been requested but would love to have a Hold button. It would work like this.

You have fixtures selected in the programmer and are making a look, but in the middle of making your art the director ask you to Park the work lights at full. It would go "More-Hold". You Park the work-light. Then "More-Pig+Hold" and that would bring you back to your look that you were making.

  • Luciano,

    You bring up a good point. If you currently have contents in your programmer and you want to create a new (empty) cue and begin working on it, there isn't currently an easy way to do this.

    I think that the idea of a "Hold" button could be a bit confusing. Basically you would need to have multiple programmers (or sessions within a single programmer) so that you could record an empty state to a new cue.

    Personally, I think it might be easiest if there were syntax that would allow you to create a new cue (or scene or palette) that is empty even when you have contents in the current editor. I'm not sure what the best syntax would be for this, so I'm curious to hear what the folks who have been following this thread think. I'd also like to know how frequently you think this is an issue. I've never personally felt that this was a big need, but others may disagree. When I find myself in this kind of situation, I usually just end up recording the data in my programmer into a cue just so that I can store it temporarily and get it back later. Since the Wholehog 3 supports multiple editors, we can almost certainly come up with a more graceful way to handle this.

  • Luciano,

    You bring up a good point. If you currently have contents in your programmer and you want to create a new (empty) cue and begin working on it, there isn't currently an easy way to do this.

    I think that the idea of a "Hold" button could be a bit confusing. Basically you would need to have multiple programmers (or sessions within a single programmer) so that you could record an empty state to a new cue.

    Personally, I think it might be easiest if there were syntax that would allow you to create a new cue (or scene or palette) that is empty even when you have contents in the current editor. I'm not sure what the best syntax would be for this, so I'm curious to hear what the folks who have been following this thread think. I'd also like to know how frequently you think this is an issue. I've never personally felt that this was a big need, but others may disagree. When I find myself in this kind of situation, I usually just end up recording the data in my programmer into a cue just so that I can store it temporarily and get it back later. Since the Wholehog 3 supports multiple editors, we can almost certainly come up with a more graceful way to handle this.

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